Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thank goodness for little girls....

After getting up with Spenser at least a hundred times last night, or so it felt like in the middle of the night, this morning Joul and I were not quite in the mood to attend church. As we lay in bed listening to Spenser sleep (finally) through the monitor we also heard (through the monitor) Chloe getting up at seven and going to the bathroom. We then heard her walking down the hallway toward our room. She pushed open our door and ran over to my side of the bed. She then asked me, "Mommy, mommy, what day is it?" In which I gladly replied, "Sunday sweetie." Chloe came back with, "yeah, I get to go to church! Mommy, I am so excited that it's church day!" Joy overcame my heart and I knew instantly why God gives us wonderful children in our lives. What a reminder to always be joyous when one can praise and worship our Savior together with other believers!

The family before church...

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